Jose Afonso
N. Kanekar, J. Chengalur, H. Messias, D. Farrah, B. Mobasher
A Somewhat Lower Frequency View of the Chandra Deep Field South
The Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS) is one of the most extensively observed regions of the sky, with some of the deepest multi-wavelength coverage ever: Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations, multi-band HST-ACS optical imaging and mid- to far-IR Spitzer observations included in the GOODS and SWIRE legacy programs, extensive deep ground-based imaging and spectroscopy with 8-m class telescopes such as the VLT and, finally, deep 1.4-GHz radio observations with the ATCA and the VLA. We are currently using the GMRT to image this field at 327 MHz to very deep levels, which is allowing us a first detailed glimpse of the nature of Ultra Steep Spectrum sources and optically unidentified radio sources at the very faintest radio flux levels.