Gyula I.G. Jozsa
Parametrising spatially resolved H{$\,$\small I } disks
Upcoming extragalactic wide-field H{$\,$\small I } surveys with high spatial resolution will provide the community with an unprecedented number of observations of spatially resolved (galactic) H{$\,$\small I } disks. To exploit the information contained in those data it is highly desirable to have tools at hand to efficiently parametrise H{$\,$\small I } disks based on spectroscopic data cubes.
One of the challenges will be the amount of data to be processed, giving astronomers the chance to study the H{$\,$\small I } morphology and -kinematics of statistical samples, instead of concentrating on single objects. The need arises to develop fast automated parametrisation methods based on spatially resolved spectroscopy.
I will describe science cases that can be addressed using efficient parametrisation techniques, and then discuss the current state-of-the-art in kinematical- and morphological modelling of H{$\,$\small I } disks, and computational challenges in view of upcoming wide-field high-resolution H{$\,$\small I } surveys.