Marc Verheijen
T. Oosterloo, W. van Cappellen
HI surveys with APERTIF
The new Focal Plane Array frontend for the WSRT, APERTIF, is expected to increase the survey speed of the WSRT by a factor of 20. This allows for efficient blind HI surveys of large areas of the sky out to a redshift of z=0.25, and pointed observations out to z=0.5, with an angular resolution of (1+z)*15 arcsec. These data will allow to investigate, for example, the cosmic evolution of $\Omega_{\rm HI}$ and the gas content of galaxies, the low-mass end and environmental dependence of the HI Mass Function, the evolution of the HI-based Tully-Fisher relation and constraints on the inter-galactic population of HI clouds. The expected number of detections at higher redshifts will be illustrated by actual data from the recently completed WSRT ultra-deep HI survey of two fields at z=0.2.