Raw data:
The pulsar team has stored the 0.5PB of raw data for the LPPS and LOTAS surveys (Coenen et al. 2014) on the SURFsara grid storage. Per the LOFAR data policy this raw data is public. If you want to access it, contact SURFsara for accounts and/or Joeri van Leeuwen for general instructions.

Reduced data for newly discovered sources:

NAME              DM         P0      CHISQ   RA          DEC          DETECTED    CONFIRMED    PAR    TIM
           (cm^-3 pc)        (s)     

J0140+5622      101.8    1.7754        3.4   01:40:30.04 56:27:42.4   2013-01-14  2013-01-17   PAR    TIM
J0613+3732       19.0    0.6192        2.4   06:06:54.20 36:40:06.4   2013-01-14  2013-01-19   PAR    TIM