Unveiling the morphologies of the faint radio source population through unsupervised machine learning

This interactive website is developed by Rafaël Mostert as part of his master thesis and PhD
under supervision of Prof.dr. H.J.A. Röttgering and Dr. K.J. Duncan at Leiden University.

The Self-Organizing Map is trained using the PINK software.
The radio data, 120-168Mhz, is taken from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS wide area).
The optical data, is taken from the SLOAN Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).

See contact information for access to the master thesis, or more information on the project.

Contact information

Rafaël Mostert, rafaelmostert@gmail.com
Astronomy PhD student at the Leiden Observatory, Leiden University.

PINK software license

PINK, Copyright (C) 2015 Kai Lars Polsterer (HITS gGmbH).


Funding for this project is provided by ASTRON and Leiden University.