====== DRAGNET GPU Cluster Tender Documents ====== In Nov/Dec 2014 + Jan 2015 we wrote the documents for the GPU Cluster EU Tendering procedure. The tender was published on [[http://www.tenderned.nl/|TenderNed]] on Tue, 27 January 2015 using the documents below, version 1.2 (26 January 2015). This is what the cluster looks like (except that we have 6x LAG (red) in place): {{:dragnet:cluster-layout.svg?262|}} All final documents can also be found on the [[http://www.lofar.org/project/lofardoc/document.php|LOFAR document server]]. You need to search for the documents using the term ''DRAGNET'' or use the following document IDs: * ''LOFAR-ASTRON-PRC-012'' - Algemene Procedure Selectie en Gunning voor de Aanbesteding van LOFAR DRAGNET GPU Cluster + offers and several other docs * ''LOFAR-ASTRON-CON-003'' - Verzoek tot Offerte LOFAR DRAGNET GPU Cluster + Annex B, C, D * ''LOFAR-ASTRON-SRS-021'' - Annex A: Specifications LOFAR DRAGNET GPU Cluster //Note//: For new tenders, get the latest templates from the Procurement dept.! If you do edit the .doc files, use Word, not {Libre,Open}Office!