====== Intallation of LOFAR in Red Hat Enterprise 5.8 ====== This is the description of the installation of LOFAR on the cluster of the [[http://www.iaa.es/|IAA]] in [[http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granada|Granada]]. It bundles an old version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux that does not contain many of the new libraries required by LOFAR. Description of the system: * Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga) * PBS queue system: [[http://www.adaptivecomputing.com/products/open-source/torque/|TORQUE]] * Libraries available: HDF5 and old versions of boost and fftw3. After some tests we determined that we needed to install, at least, the following software and libraries: * scons * WCS * lapack * atlas * fftw3 * Python * numpy * virtualenv (optional) * h5py (optional) * scipy * matplotlib * pandas (optional) * pyfits * pywcs * astropy (optional) * cython * IPython (optional) * Boost * LOFAR related: * casacore * pyrap * casarest * LOFAR (LofIm) ===== Installation steps ===== The software was installed in the home of the user ''jsm'' (''/home/users/dae/jsm''). You should change the scripts accordingly. We will install Python in ''/home/users/dae/jsm/python'' and the rest of libraries and software in ''/home/users/dae/jsm/local''. The HDF5 library is already in the system in ''/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared''. A standalone version of casapy is also present in the system. Previous steps: ## Create the installation directory mkdir -p /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src Download and copy the data: # scons wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scons/scons-2.3.0.tar.gz # WCS wget ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/wcslib/wcslib.tar.bz2 # lapack wget http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.4.2.tgz # atlas wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/math-atlas/Developer%20%28unstable%29/3.11.11/atlas3.11.11.tar.bz2 # FFTW3 wget http://www.fftw.org/fftw-3.3.3.tar.gz # Boost wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.gz # LOFAR related software # casacore svn co http://casacore.googlecode.com/svn/tags/casacore-1.5.0 # pyrap svn co http://pyrap.googlecode.com/svn/tags/pyrap-1.1.0 # casarest svn co https://svn.astron.nl/casarest/trunk/casarest/ We had already got a copy of the LOFAR software with SVN in ''/home/users/dae/jsm/LOFAR'': # LOFAR cp -r /home/users/dae/jsm/LOFAR . We used the following paths: # PATH export PATH=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/bin:/home/users/dae/jsm/python/bin:/usr/local/casapy-stable-42.0.25430-001-64b:/usr/local/iraf/bin:/usr/local/mpich-install/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin # LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib:/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib:/home/users/dae/jsm/python/lib:/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared/lib:/usr/local/mpich-install/lib:/usr/local/lib Install Python and some Python libraries: # Compile mkdir -p /home/users/dae/jsm/python/src cd /home/users/dae/jsm/python/src # Download Python **** CHANGE # Extract Python **** CHANGE cd Python-2.7.5 ./configure --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/python --enable-shared make make install # Install zeromq (used by IPython parallel) cd /home/users/dae/jsm/python/src wget http://download.zeromq.org/zeromq-3.2.4.tar.gz tar xzf zeromq-3.2.4.tar.gz cd zeromq-3.2.4 ./configure --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local make make install # Install easy install and pip cd /home/users/dae/jsm/python/src wget https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/raw/bootstrap/ez_setup.py python ez_setup.py wget https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py # rm -r /tmp/pip-build-jsm/pip python get-pip.py # Install packages pip install virtualenv pip install numpy pip install h5py pip install scipy pip install matplotlib pip install pandas pip install pyfits pip install pywcs pip install astropy pip install cython # Install pyzmq cd /home/users/dae/jsm/python/src wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pyzmq/pyzmq-13.0.2.tar.gz --no-check-certificate tar xzf pyzmq-13.0.2.tar.gz cd pyzmq-13.0.2 python setup.py configure --zmq=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/ python setup.py install # Install IPython cd /home/users/dae/jsm/python/src pip install ipython[all] From now on we need to enter an interactive PBS job to avoid our jobs to be killed after certain amount of time (the maximum allowed length for a job without using PBS is 10 minutes). The nodes do not have direct access to the Internet (that is why the packages were previously downloaded): ### Enter interactive qsub session qsub -I -X -N LOFAR_soft ## Update the PATH and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH # PATH export PATH=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/bin:/home/users/dae/jsm/python/bin:/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared/bin:/usr/local/casapy-stable-42.0.25430-001-64b:/usr/local/iraf/bin:/usr/local/mpich-install/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin # LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib:/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib:/home/users/dae/jsm/python/lib:/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared/lib:/usr/local/mpich-install/lib:/usr/local/lib We needed to manually specify the paths to avoid cmake finding old or incorrect versions of the libraries. Compile the libraries and tools: ## scons cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src tar xfz scons-2.3.0.tar.gz cd scons-2.3.0 python setup.py install --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local ## ATLAS + LAPACK + BLAS cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src tar xfj atlas3.11.11.tar.bz2 mkdir -p ATLAS/build cd ATLAS/build ../configure -b 64 -D c -DPentiumCPS=2932 --shared \ --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas \ --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/src/lapack-3.4.2.tgz make build make check make ptcheck make time make install ln -s /home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a \ /home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libblas.a ## WCS cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src tar xfj wcslib.tar.bz2 cd wcslib-4.19 ./configure --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/ make make install ## FFTW3 cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src tar xfz fftw-3.3.3.tar.gz cd fftw-3.3.3 ./configure --enable-threads --enable-shared \ --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/ make make install make clean ./configure --enable-threads --enable-shared --enable-float \ --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/ make make install ## Boost cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src tar xfz boost_1_54_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_54_0 ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local \ --with-python=/home/users/dae/jsm/python/bin/python ./b2 ./b2 install Some notes: * You should adapt the parameter "DPentiumCPS=2932" to your system. * Compile casacore ## casacore cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src cd casacore-1.5.0 mkdir build; cd build cmake .. -DWCSLIB_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libwcs.so \ -DWCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/include/ \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casacore \ -DUSE_HDF5=ON -DUSE_FFTW3=ON \ -DHDF5_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared \ -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/liblapack.a \ -DBLAS_LIBRARIES=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libf77blas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libatlas.a \ -DBLA_VENDOR=ATLAS \ -DFFTW3_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3.so \ -DFFTW3_THREADS_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3_threads.so \ -DFFTW3F_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3f.so \ -DFFTW3F_THREADS_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3f_threads.so \ -DFFTW3_INCLUDE=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/include/ \ -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/gfortran make make install Install pyrap (scons needed): ## pyrap # pyrap looks for libblas cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib ln -s libcblas.a libblas.a cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src cd pyrap-1.1.0 ## PATCH pyrap ******* (see next section) python batchbuild.py --boost-root=/home/users/dae/jsm/local \ --casacore-root=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casacore \ --enable-hdf5 --hdf5-root=/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared \ --lapack-root=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas \ --wcs-root=/home/users/dae/jsm/local \ --prefix=/home/users/dae/jsm/local Install casarest ## casarest cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src cd casarest mkdir build; cd build cmake .. -DBOOST_ROOT=/home/users/dae/jsm/local \ -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/liblapack.a \ -DLAPACK_INCLUDE=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/include/ \ -DBLAS_LIBRARIES=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libf77blas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libatlas.a \ -DBLAS_INCLUDE=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/include/ \ -DWCSLIB_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libwcs.so \ -DWCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/include/ \ -DCASACORE_ROOT_DIR=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casacore \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casarest \ -DHDF5_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared \ -DLIB_EXTRA_SYNTHESIS=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libatlas.a \ -DBUILD_ALL=1 make make install Install LOFAR: cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/src #cp -r ~/LOFAR . cd LOFAR ### PATCH LOFAR ******** (see next section) mkdir -p build/gnu_opt; cd build/gnu_opt mkdir /home/users/dae/jsm/local/LofIm cmake ../.. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/LofIm \ -DUSE_LOG4CPLUS=OFF \ -DBOOST_ROOT=/home/users/dae/jsm/local \ -DHDF5_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared \ -DWCSLIB_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libwcs.so \ -DWCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/include/ \ -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libf77blas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libatlas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/liblapack.a \ -DBLAS_LIBRARIES=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libf77blas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libatlas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/liblapack.a \ -DFFTW3_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3.so \ -DFFTW3_THREADS_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3_threads.so \ -DFFTW3F_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3f.so \ -DFFTW3F_THREADS_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libfftw3f_threads.so \ -DFFTW3_INCLUDE=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/include/ \ -DCASACORE_ROOT_DIR=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casacore \ -DCASA_CASA_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casacore/lib/libcasa_casa.so\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libf77blas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libatlas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/liblapack.a \ -DUSE_OPENMP=ON \ -DBUILD_PACKAGES=Offline\;LofarFT\;StaticMetaData\;SPW_Combine \ -DCASAREST_ROOT_DIR=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casarest/ \ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/python/lib/libpython2.7.so \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/home/users/dae/jsm/python/bin/python \ -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/home/users/dae/jsm/python/include \ -DPYRAP_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/include/pyrap \ -DPYRAP_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib/libpyrap.so \ -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/gfortran \ -DF2PY_FCOMPILER=gnu95 2>&1 | tee log.txt make make install Finish the installation (FIXME): * Configure .bashrc * Configure .casarc ==== Patches and hacks needed ==== Pyrap and LOFAR need to be patched to allow them to compile in this old system. **Pyrap** tries to find the libraries in lib64 in a Red Hat linux. This happens even if the libraries are manually compiled and are located in a ''lib'' directory. If the user cannot create a symbolic link from ''lib64'' to ''lib'', pyrap needs to be patched. The ''lib64'' entries linked to ''redhat'' found in the setupext.py files and utils.py need to be edited to ''lib''. Edit: * pyrap_fitting/current/setupext.py * pyrap_functionals/current/setupext.py * pyrap_images/current/setupext.py * pyrap_measures/current/setupext.py * pyrap_quanta/current/setupext.py * pyrap_tables/current/setupext.py * pyrap_util/current/setupext.py * libpyrap/current/scons-tools/utils.py **Pyrap** cannot determine the location of some shared libraries in this old system. //Ugly hack// - The file ''libpyrap/current/SConstruct'' can be edited to ad some linker flags: After conf = Configure(env) insert: conf.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-rpath,/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casacore/lib:/usr/local/hdf5-1.8.11-linux-x86_64-shared/lib:/home/users/dae/jsm/local/lib"]) **Pyrap** looks for libblas instead of libcblas. A symbolic link can be made: cd /home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib ln -s libcblas.a libblas.a **LOFAR** uses the flag ''-Wno-ignored-qualifiers'' that is not supported by this old system. It has to be removed from the following files: * CEP/Imager/LofarFT/src/CMakeLists.txt * CEP/Calibration/BBSTools/src/CMakeLists.txt * LCS/AMC/AMCImpl/src/CMakeLists.txt The version of cmake bundled in the system contains buggy versions of the recipes to find BLAS and LAPACK (FindBLAS.cmake and FIindLAPACK.cmake). Ii is possible to see in the CMakeCache.txt files that these libraries are not detected by CMAKE in this system (for example in the case of **casacore**). The manual setting of the cache variables //LAPACK_LIBRARIES// and //BLAS_LIBRARIES// made the compilation and linking work. The variables //LAPACK_INCLUDE// and //BLAS_INCLUDE// were ignored. But... take into account that these cache variables may not be present in modern compilations of cmake. //The ugliest hack// is this line in the cmake options of **LOFAR**: -DCASA_CASA_LIBRARY=/home/users/dae/jsm/local/casacore/lib/libcasa_casa.so\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libf77blas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libcblas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/libatlas.a\;/home/users/dae/jsm/local/atlas/lib/liblapack.a The library librfiengine.so is linked with dependencies to LAPACK (and this can present dependencies with BLAS). These dependencies are not linked in some of the remaining packages because they are not a direct dependency but the linker will fail. We overrided the cache variable pointing to one of the casacore libraries. Wherever librfiengine.so is linked, the libcasa_casa.so is linked as well. This ugly thing worked. ==== Warnings and advice ==== * Compile the libraries with the ''shared'' option (-fPIC in the compiler). * The tools ''ldd'' and ''nm'' could help you to debug problems with the linking of libraries. * Have a look to CMakeCache.txt before running cmake to spot possible problems with the libraries. * If you use the ifort FORTRAN compiler you might find problems with the linking of ifort shared libraries. * Cmake could find some of the casapy libraries and link them as dependencies. If you want to avoid that you should specify the cache variables by hand (as it is done in this example). * To link to precompiled external libraries (like the ones provided by casapy or Anaconda) might be a bad idea. * The option "--blas" of pyrap did not work and made the build script fail. * Final advice: Try to work on modern systems (e. g. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) if you can :).