====== German Long Wavelength Consortium (GLOW) ====== GLOW Representatives (2008 May 13) This list includes more than the representatives to ensure that mail reach at least someone from that institute. * m.brueggenjacobs-university.de * dettmarastro.rub.de * bomansastro.rub.de * middelbergastro.rub.de * dengelshs.uni-hamburg.de * aschweitzerhs.uni-hamburg.de * hhagenhs.uni-hamburg.de * swhitempa-garching.mpg.de * ensslinmpa-garching.mpg.de * ciardimpa-garching.mpg.de * t.fieselerfz-juelich.de * th.lippertfz-juelich.de * w.guerichfz-juelich.de * jochentls-tautenburg.de * artietls-tautenburg.de * ukleinastro.uni-bonn.de * kalbastro.uni-bonn.de * wucknitzastro.uni-bonn.de * GMannaip.de * MSteinmetzaip.de * cvocksaip.de * henkeaip.de * eckartph1.uni-koeln.de * kfrickeuni-sw.gwdg.de * ahorneffermpifr-bonn.mpg.de * rbeckmpifr-bonn.mpg.de * wreichmpifr-bonn.mpg.de * azensusmpifr-bonn.mpg.de