====== Lofar stop-day (2-Okt-2018) review meeting ====== Date: 10-Okt-2018 at 11:30 in the Oort room Present: Pietro, Henk, Reinoud, Adriaan, Jasmin, Teun We used the activities list of the wiki as an [[public:stopdayactivities_2oct2018|agenda:]] * Cobalt - No remarks * Cep3 - No remarks from operational side (see bellow for process improvement) * Cep4 - No remarks from operational side (see bellow for process improvement) * Lexars - No remarks from operational side (see bellow for process improvement) * DWG Systems - No remarks from operational side (see bellow for process improvement) ===== Further remarks / Action Points ===== **Adriaan** - SDOS STOP-DAY checklist should be verified against Zabbix SDOS screens, missing checks if any should be added (Action for Adriaan & Richard) - Coordinator checklist should be adjusted/rearranged in more pragmatical order, avoiding dependencies so that SDOS can proceed with checks more efficiently. (Action for Adriaan & ROadmin (Jasmin)) - Provide JIVE/Opticon contacts to ROadmin group.(Action for Adriaan) **Henk/Pietro** - Adjustment of the SOS check list should be considered, even splitting on SOS/Operator part (Action for SOS/OP) **ROadmin** - Coordinator will take over the task "Block/Unblock CEP3 Access" and will item to on the check list - Coordinator will take care about reservations till the issue is not fixed and will add item to checklist (https://www.astron.nl/lofarwiki/doku.php?id=cep3:slurm_resv&s[]=reservations) - Coordinator will send/share the link to new (see task above) "Coordinator checklist" on stop day. - Coordinator will stop/disable supervisord lexar003/004/scu001 on beginning of the STOP-Day and will enable it after SOS is done with checks and this is communicated. **All** We should discuss and make plan about: - external "sorry/maintenance" server (cloud, or internal solution) - some of production/test system are not in sync : - different OS lcs025/026 <>dop225/228 - different Patch level build server