Table of Contents

Lofar Software Stack

:!: IMPORTANT NOTE: The Stack is not maintained anymore; this was an external effort that has been discontinued.

This page gives an overview of the Lofar software stack. Various aspects of the software stack are discussed:

The Lofar LTA software stack is the collection of software that is needed to run the Lofar imaging pipeline. That includes all needed libraries with a specific version. Different versions of the Lofar software can be installed at the same time.

For more information see the internal Lofar LTA Software Stack page (login needed).

Questions on installing the Lofar Software Stack can be send to the Software Support Note that the build script is not supported outside of the scope of the LTA. Questions will be answered on a best effort basis. Requests for support or limited changes for installations that are available to multiple users (in particular on compute clusters) may be considered.

Build Script

The LTA pipeline build script is available from the Astro-WISE cvs repository; (username anonlta, password accesslta).

The script generates a shell script to do the actual build. For help do : --help

To make a default build in directory lofar_build : --root-dir lofar_build

and then run the generated script, this can take a few hours.

The generated shell script does the following:

To initialize the environment variables to use the build, execute the following script in the build dir :

This script can also be used to build the Lofar LTA pipeline environment on worker or compute nodes of a Grid cluster. We used as a wrapper of the build script to execute the build and store the results on a storage element. To submit a build as a grid job use, for example

    # create proxy certificate
    voms-proxy-init -voms lofar:/lofar/user -hours 48
    # submit build jobs to the grid environments
    env    BUILD_TIME=4   ./
    env   BUILD_TIME=4   ./
    env BUILD_TIME=240 ./

Current LTA Installations

The table below gives an overview of the Lofar versions installed on the different compute environments of the LTA. The dates specify when the version was installed. An overview of all svn revisions can be found here

Lofar version RuG (Grid) RuG (millipede) Sara (Grid) Nikhef (Grid) Jülich
LOFAR-Release-1_9 14-01-2013 10-01-2013 14-01-2013 14-01-2013
LOFAR-Release-1_14 31-05-2013 31-05-2013 31-05-2013 31-05-2013
LOFAR-Release-1_15 23-07-2013 23-07-2013 23-07-2013
LOFAR-Release-1_16 04-10-2013 04-10-2013 04-10-2013
LOFAR-Release-1_17 01-11-2013 01-11-2013 01-11-2013 01-11-2013 01-11-2013
LOFAR-Release-2_0 10-01-2014 10-01-2014 10-01-2014 14-01-2014 10-01-2014
LOFAR-Release-2_1 21-02-2014 21-02-2014 21-02-2014 21-02-2014 21-02-2014
LOFAR-Release-2_2 01-05-2014
LOFAR-Release-2_3 28-05-2014 02-06-2014
LOFAR-Release-2_9 02-04-2015 02-04-2015 02-04-2015
LOFAR-Release-2_15 01-03-2016 01-03-2016 01-03-2016

Any versions before 1.9 can be present on a compute environment but are not taken into account here and should probably not be used.

Layout and Structure

The Lofar LTA spans multiple (non CEP) compute clusters. To enable processing on all these clusters transparently to users and systems we’ll define an uniform environment. The environment consists of the Lofar pipelines and related libraries. This section defines the directory structure of the Lofar pipelines and related libraries. This way we’ll only need to define the Lofar root directory per cluster, the directory structure below is the same for all clusters. On Grid systems the environment variable “VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR” is used to point to the pipeline environment. For simplicity we use this variable also for non Grid clusters.

The Lofar pipeline environment can contain multiple releases. One release consists of a certain version of the Lofar pipelines, including fixed versions of all the related libraries. From the Lofar root directory the directory layout is :

current <is link to specific version>
... etc ...

The “data” directory contains measures data needed by the pipelines. This is static data during a pipeline run, although this directory should be updated regularly. The update mechanism needs to be determined. The contents of the data directory are provided by Astron at

The “current” entry is always a link to the latest release. Astron defines a release; the version of the Lofar pipelines and the related libraries. Next to the official Astron releases we can also support custom releases like nightly builds. In the above directory listing “0.9”, “0.8” and “2011-07-12” are examples of releases.

The “lofar“ directory contains the Lofar pipelines, everything that is compiled, build and installed from the Lofar sources using cmake. The “local” directory contains all the related libraries. The “local” directory behaves as the root directory for installing the libraries. Below is a detailed view of a release with the relevant sub directories shown

		... more root dirs ...
		... more root dirs ...
	... more builds ...
		... more root dirs ...
		... root dirs ...
	... more builds ...

The Lofar source and libraries can be build with different options. The default location is “release” and should always be present.

Environment Variables

Before running the pipelines the following environment variables should be set to the given values. For readability the release “current” and build “release” are used. Ideally these environment variables should be set by the shell script. The problem is that this script sets these variables as they were during compile time, while this script can be deployed somewhere else.

Variable Value
PATH $VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH $VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/lib
PYTHONPATH $VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Note that :

In the build directory are two scripts created to initialize the environment variables (source <script>):

The first one initializes the environment variables for the environment where the build was done. The second one initializes the environment variables for a grid environment, where it is expected that VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR is defined.

Here is an example how to set the environment variables by hand in bash :

export PATH=$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/bin:$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/sbin:$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/local/release/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/lib:$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/lib64:$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/local/release/lib:$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/local/release/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/lofar/release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR/current/local/release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

Where $VO_LOFAR_SW_DIR should point to the installation directory.

External Libraries

The following libraries with given versions are installed in local directory in the LTA Pipeline Environment by the build script.

Library Version
astropy 0.2.4
bison 3.0
blitz (removed)
boost 1.55.0
cmake 2.8.5
casacore rev 21389
casarest rev 8758
cfitsio 3240
fftw 3.2.2
flex 2.5.35
freetype 2.4.0
gsl 1.16
hdf5 1.8.4
h5py 2.2.0
libpng 1.5.6
libpqxx 4.0.1
libxml 2.9.1
log4cplus 1.0.4
m4 1.4.17
matplotlib 1.2.1
monetdb python client
numpy 1.7.1
OpenBLAS 0.2.6
PostgreSQL 9.1.2
pyrap rev 345
python 2.7.5
scons 1.3.0
scipy 0.12.0
Twisted 13.1.0
setuptools 0.6c11
unittest-xml-reporting 1.7.0
wcslib 4.4.4
zlib 1.2.8
zope.interface 4.0.5