User Software :: Building an individual package

While typically the package provided as part of the LUS software collection are build as part of that software collection, one also might be interested in carrying out a build with minimal overhead involved. Such a case might be given if all the required external dependencies have be resolved/installed (manually) beforehand, such that the LUS-internal mechanism for resolving the dependency chain is not required.

  1. Check out the top-level directory of the LUS:
    svn co -N lofarsoft
  2. Check out the directory containing the common development scripts and tools:
    svn co lofarsoft/devel_common
  3. Check out the source code of the package:
    svn co lofarsoft/src/Anaamika
  4. Change into the newly created working version to create the build directory and configure the package:
    cd lofarsoft
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../src/Anaamika

User Software