
The Dutch National SETI meeting will take place at ASTRON in Dwingeloo, the Netherlands. Dwingeloo can be reached in about 20 minutes by either private car or taxi from Hoogeveen railway station. For a train schedule, please look at the website:


Shuttle transport from/to train station Hoogeveen


We can arrange for taxis (or private shuttle buses at peak travel times) from/to Hoogeveen. For that purpose please fill in your time of arrival in Hoogeveen and departure from ASTRON/hotel in the registration form.




Participants are requested to make and pay for their own hotel reservation. A block reservation has been made at Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Borken. Note the expiration date. It is advisable to make a hotel reservation in time.


Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Borken (20 rooms blocked)
Lhee 76
7991 PJ Dwingeloo


Hotel De Borken is at walking distance from ASTRON (approx. 1.5 km). If you prefer to use the collective transport service, please indicate on the registration page.
Room rates are € 67.50 incl. breakfast for a double room with single occupation (excl. tax). While making the hotel room reservation, please refer to ‘SETI-NL’ to get the preferred rate. We made a block booking that will expire on 31 January 2016. You can reserve a hotel room by:





If you have any additional questions please send us an email.