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Images from first LOFAR fringes

Submitter: Sarod Yatawatta
Description: As reported on 14-07-2009 dailyimage, the first full LOFAR stations became operational last week. Here are the images corresponding to the first fringes seen from those stations. Calibration and imaging was done with MeqTrees and CASA/AIPS++.

The observations were pointed at Cygnus A, one of the brightest radio sources. The top row shows the dirty images seen from the lowband (LBA) and the highband (HBA) systems. The bottom row shows the cleaned (deconvolved) images. As you can see, given the longest baseline of about 20 km, Cygnus A is resolved even at the lowest frequency of 30 MHz. As more stations become operational, we will have better uv-plane coverage and thus, better images.
Copyright: ASTRON
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