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Colloquium: Pushing LOFAR to its limits with ultra-deep, high-resolution, wide-field imaging

Submitter: Jurjen de Jong
Description: Recently, we have successfully imaged several LOFAR deep fields at the highest resolutions (e.g. Lockman Hole, ELAIS-N1, and Boötes), revealing the universe in unprecedented detail at the lowest frequencies. However, this has come at the expense of significant computing resources and extensive manual intervention, making it unsustainable for large-scale surveys or ultra-deep wide-field imaging. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress in developing the LOFAR VLBI pipeline for wide-field imaging, techniques to reduce the computational costs by up to a factor of 10 for ultra-deep imaging, and replacing manual interventions with automation and AI, making us ready for the LOFAR 2.0 era.
Copyright: Jurjen de Jong
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