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Work, Finish, Publish!

Submitter: Michael Garrett
Description: It is recorded that when a young student asked the great British physicist Michael Faraday what was the secret of his success, Faraday replied:

The secret is comprised in three words: Work, Finish, Publish!

If Faraday were alive today, he would surely be impressed with the progress ASTRON has made in the publication of our own research over the last few years. While preparing for the recent bilateral meeting with the NWO AB, I plotted the total number of refereed publications the institute has produced over the last 6 years. The result, I'm sure you will agree is pretty impressive - since 2007, the number of refereed publications has almost trebled - in fact we currently out-perform many of the Astronomy departments in the Netherlands (for astronomical publications) and also comparable NWO institutes working in the same area.

Hopefully this trend in scientific output of the institute will continue - the prospects look good as LOFAR begins to ramp up and WSRT-APERTIF appears on the horizon.

Copyright: ASTRON
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