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Einstein cake and more

Submitter: Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate
Description: On wednesday July 2nd, a (g)astronomical competition came to it's bubbling climax: an expert panel, consisting of experts of various sorts, judged the Milky Way cocktails and Dark Matter dishes that had been prepared by local and not so local school kids. The latter rose to the inspiring challenge by offering smashing smoothies, crispy cookies and darkly mysterious cakes.

The panel, consisting of real ASTRON astronomers, R&Ders and other experts, performed a proper review as if it was an SKA system design. The marks for the various contributions were motivated by means of serious mini lectures that touched on Black Holes, advanced (space) technology and good taste, linking the review with the intentions of the contenders.

The event was organized in connection with the youth novel "Het Logboek" by Anke den Duyn, due to be published in Sept 2014. Just like the novel, the event endeavoured to forge a link between the general public and day-to-day ASTRON business.
Copyright: Roel Witvers
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