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Over 100 bright bursts from a hyperactive fast radio burst source

Submitter: Jason Hessels, Omar Ould-Boukattine et al.
Description: Using five `small' (25-32m) European radio telescopes, including Westerbork (RT1), Onsala (O8), Torun, Stockert, and Dwingeloo, we have detected over 100 bright bursts from FRB 20240114A - a hyperactive repeating fast radio burst (FRB) source discovered using the CHIME/FRB telescope.

In a recent Astronomer's Telegram, ASTRON/UvA PhD student Omar Ould-Boukattine summarises the results to date. Some of the bursts are shown in the image above, where plots that are next to each other represent multi-telescope detections of the same burst.

We're using these observations to probe the highest energies that FRB sources can reach, which is both important for understanding the physics of how they are generated and to know whether we can eventually detect these bursts from early in the Universe's history.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (`EuroFlash'; Grant agreement No. 101098079) as well as an NWO-Vici grant (`AstroFlash'; VI.C.192.045).
Copyright: Futselaar/Ould-Boukattine/Hessels/ASTRON
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