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JCMT receiver cabin

Submitter: Rob Millenaar
Description: Just a reminder that we are also involved in the Maxwell telescope (JCMT), on top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Its receiver cabin is at the Cassegrain focus of the telescope. The sky-beam, reflected off the secondary (Cassegrain) mirror, enters the cabin via the round hole at upper left in the picture. It is then directed to a multitude of instruments by the tertiary mirror, visible left of centre. This mirror is steerable in two directions and in the picture it directs the beam towards receiver W, right of centre.
This is the receiver that was newly upgraded and installed, to function as the B band (~345GHz), dual polarization heterodyne receiver dedicated primarily for interferometry with the SMA and CSO, as part of the eSMA interferometry facility. Lots more to be seen in this image, but that will have to wait for some other time.
Copyright: Rob Millenaar
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