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UNAWE - inspiring children with the wonders of the Universe!

Submitter: Michael Garrett
Description: A few weeks ago, Dr. Carolina Odman (@Carolune if you tweep) gave a presentation about the Universe Awarenenss project (UNAWE)at the Astro-lunch. UNAWE is an international outreach activity that uses the beauty and grandeur of the universe to inspire very young disadvantaged children. Goals are to: broaden children's minds, awaken their curiosity in science, and stimulate global citizenship and tolerance. UNAWE was originally set-up by Prof. George Miley (U of Leiden) a few years ago, and with Carolina as project manager the idea has really taken off. Carolina always travels with the UNAWE Earth ball - a useful teaching aid and a symbol of a world of learning and global collaboration without borders. Carolina also demonstrated (top right inset) that she's also quite adept at doing a few tricks with the ball too!

After the presentation there were many questions from staff in Dwingeloo and plenty of enthusiasm to see how we might be able to help further the cause. We decided that she must come back and give a full colloquium for the entire institute! If you can't wait until then, take a look at the UNAWE web site: http://www.unawe.org

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