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Sisterly Fringes

Submitter: Jan Noordam
Description: It is with the genuine joy of an Elder(ly) Sister that we transpond the news that the MeerKat radio telescope in South Africa has produced its first fringes. This is a Major Moment in the life of any telescope because it demonstrates that, after years of arduous preparation, a long chain of sub-systems are "doing their thing". Just look at the quality of the data!

In radio-astronomy, we cherish a long tradition of sharing and mutual support. We fondly remember how, after collecting their Nobel prize for the invention of Aperture Synthesis, the Cambridge people fanned out across the world to help others with theirs. Or the many generous references by American radio astronomers to earlier results with un-American telescopes.

It is no different in the headlong rush to build precursors, pilots and pathfinders for SKA, "the radio telescope to end all radio telescopes". We at ASTRON are particularly sensitive to this international warmth, perhaps because, as the only non-native English speakers, we never feel quite secure. So, it is with gleaming eyes that we follow the achievements of our younger sisters. Who will be next?

Copyright: MeerKat
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