Daily Image

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The Daily Image goes Social

Submitter: Roy Smits
Description: As you might have noticed, in the past couple of weeks several features have been added to the Daily Image that allow easy connection to the social media Facebook and Twitter. Below the text are two buttons that you can click to "like" the Daily Image on Facebook, or send a "tweet" on Twitter. This does, of course, require a Facebook-account or a Twitter-account.

A nice feature of these buttons is that you can "like" or "tweet" a Daily Image of a specific day. When your friends follow the link, they will be directed to that specific Daily Image. This makes it possible to use these buttons while browsing the archive. Feel free to give it a try.

The Daily Image now also has a twitter account of its own, that sends a tweet with the title of every Daily Image. You can subscribe to it on: http://www.twitter.com/daily_image
Copyright: Roy Smits
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