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Spring season also started for the LOFAR roll-out

Submitter: Nico Ebbendorf
Description: After a long winter period, the spring season is finally upon us (at least so it appeared last week). The nice weather allowed the LOFAR roll-out team to go out into the field again for building more stations. We have picked up where we left off late last autumn, with the station in Fochteloo (RS409), and we made a start with 2 new stations in Westdorp (RS305) and Kiel-Windeweer (RS407).

The picture shows the first step in the roll-out of a LOFAR station: Determining the exact location of the center of the Low Band Antenna (LBA-0) array. Once this position has been fixed, the positions of LBA antennas, the HBA patches and the cabinet have to be calculated, and also the cable runs between them. In total, over 600 specific points are drawn up in a GPS coordination plan, and marked in the field using a differential GPS measurement system and laser technology.

This picture was taken at the location of Westdorp (RS305), about 4 km S-W from the LOFAR core, showing the team-work of LOFAR engineers and the land surveyor from the “Azimuth” company.
Copyright: N. Ebbendorf
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