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A LOFAR PhD thesis in Bologna

Submitter: Raffaella Morganti
Description: Writing a PhD thesis on LOFAR data is still a challenging task. Even more so if the topic is observations of blank fields. But Gabriele Guglielmino, a student shared between the Institute of Radio Astronomy (Bologna) and ASTRON, has managed and has successfully defended his thesis at the University of Bologna on February 26.

The thesis "A multifrequency study of the Lockman Hole region: preparing for a LOFAR deep survey" included observations at 1.4GHz and 345MHz with the WSRT and HBA observations at 150MHz with LOFAR. The main goal (and result) was the study of the spectral index of milliJy radio sources at low frequency. Although the proportion of flat spectrum sources increases as we move to lower flux density, as found at higher frequency, this study seems to exclude an extra-flattening of the spectral indices going to lower frequency, due to self-absorption effects.

Gabriele was supervised by Isabella Prandoni, (INAF-IRA, Bologna) and Raffaella Morganti. In his work on LOFAR data, he has also received crucial help from a number of people (in particular George Heald and Roberto Pizzo) during his visits to ASTRON.

A very accurate, high resolution sky model was obtained, accounting for the bright extended 3C244.1 source, two degrees from the field center. This model will be applied to the forthcoming HBA and LBA Lockman Hole observations, staring this month in the framework of the LOFAR Survey key-project.
Copyright: ASTRON
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