Daily Image

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Flying over the Moon

Submitter: Rik ter Horst
Description: Another "amateur" image of an interesting part of the Moon, taken from sea-level on the 27th of August with a homemade 250 mm F/15 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and an ASI120MM camera.

A long, long time ago (billions of years, in fact), when our Solar System was a dangerous place, one side of the Moon was flooded with oceans of molten lava. These subsequently hardened to a smooth surface, hiding all but the highest mountains. Since then, a greatly diminished meteorite bombardment has only dented the new surface with a few small craterlets.

Staring at this wonderful image is like flying high over the Sahara desert in an aeroplane. Only the view is better, despite the vastly greater distance. The eye is constantly drawn to a miriad mysterious features that tell an ancient tale to those who know how to look.

Copyright: Rik ter Horst
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