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DSL2015 Science Workshop

Submitter: Albert-Jan Boonstra
Description: The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) are pursuing a joint scientific space mission, to be implemented by ESA and the Chinese National Space Science Centre (NSSC) under CAS(*). In this context, ESA and CAS issued a joint call on January 19th with a proposal deadline of March 16th. Scientists from Europe and China are now preparing a proposal for an ultra-long wavelength interferometer in space, DLS: Discovering the Sky at the Longest Wavelengths. As the Earth's ionosphere severely distorts astronomical sky signals at frequencies below about 30 MHz, this frequency range can only be observed from space.

After presenting DSL at the ESA-CAS workshop in Copenhagen last year, the DSL team meets again this week to discuss the science cases for DSL and to discuss the technical concept in preparation for the proposal. The picture above shows colleagues from the Netherlands, China, France and Poland during a break on the first day of the DSL2015 workshop at ASTRON.

(*) http://sci.esa.int/jump.cfm?oid=55262
Copyright: ASTRON
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