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Quiet Satisfaction for the Old Gang

Submitter: Jan Noordam
Description: Old soldiers never die,
They just fade away

It might seem from this picture that the fading has begun, but that is of course just a trick of the light(*). Assembled here, around a beaming Richard Schilizzi, is a lively subset of the hardy pioneers that built JIVE with him, in the days that he was the first Director. The picture was taken at the recent elevation of JIVE to the lofty status of European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). Obviously this is a source of considerable pride for the Old Gang.

From left to right: Bouke Kramer, Hans Tenkink, Jean Casse, Friso Olnon, Richard Schilizzi, Steve Parsley, Jan Buiter, Sjouke Zwier, Nico Schonewille and Martin Leeuwinga.

(*) Even though it just happens to be Ascension Thursday today...
Copyright: Arnold van Ardenne
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