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The Art of making name badges

Submitter: Liesbet Elpenhof and Marjan Tibbe
Description: In organizing a conference, a lot of work is happening behind the scenes. One of the things is making name badges. Not unimportant; like in business companies, also astronomers want to network during conferences or workshops.

At ASTRON we can rely on the creative brain of Ina Lenten at the General Affairs secretariat. She makes the design and puts everything together.

We are most grateful to Ina for providing this service, and for the reception to even deliver the badges in alphabetical order.

The photo shows the name badges for the conference Life-cycle of gas in galaxies: A Local Perspective. Taking place at ASTRON from 31 August-4 September. http://www.astron.nl/localgas2015/

Copyright: ASTRON
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