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In Memoriam: Nan Rendong (1945-2017)

Submitter: Wim Brouw
Description: On 15 September 2017, our good friend Nan Rendong died while in the US for a final treatment for his long cancer.

Nan came to ASTRON in 1983 as an exchange 'student' to study radio astronomical methods, VLBI and processing. He became a dear friend and colleague, and his stay started a special tie between ASTRON and the NAOC which benefit both institutes. The contacts resulted in the Chinese 'small-N' proposal for the SKA, en the subsequent building of the FAST telescope.

His influence on Chinese radio astronomy has been extensive. It is best given in the official announcement of his death at:


which is roughly translated as:

Posted: 2017-09-16

China's famous astronomer, Chinese Academy of Sciences National Astronomical Observatory researcher, the national major science and technology infrastructure projects - 500 meters caliber spherical radio telescope (FAST) project chief scientist, chief engineer, former Beijing Observatory Deputy Director Mr. Nan Rendong in Beijing time 2017 Year on September 15 23:23 died due to illness, at the age of 72 years old.

Mr. Nan Rendong is the initiator and founder of the FAST project. Since 1994, he has been responsible for FAST site selection, pre-research, project, feasibility study and preliminary design. As the chief scientist and chief engineer of the project, he is responsible for compiling the FAST scientific goal, guiding the construction of FAST and guiding a series of technical problems such as fatigue and moving cable, and has made outstanding contributions to the successful completion of FAST project. FAST known as "China Eye", is China's own intellectual property rights, the world's largest single-caliber, the most sensitive radio telescope. Mr. Nan Rendong is one of the earliest Chinese astronomers who have held important positions in the International Astronomical Society. He is also an outstanding comprehensive technical expert. He is a well-established expert in astronomy and astronomy and technology. He has cultivated a great deal of science and technology Talent.

Mr. Nan Rendong lived generously, indifferent to fame and fortune, treat people sincere, mind the overall situation, spared no efforts for the development of China's astronomy has made outstanding contributions. His unfortunate death is a major loss of Chinese astronomy! We are mourned and deeply remembered Mr. Nan Rendong!

Mr. Nan Rendong immortal!
Follow his explicit wishes, and do not hold memorial services.

Condolences to Nan's family may be sent to: nan2017@noa.cas.cn
Copyright: NAOC
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