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Another RadioLife (and LOFAR) thesis!

Submitter: Raffaella Morganti
Description: Marisa Brienza, one of the three PhD students appointed thanks to the ERC RadioLife grant to study the effects of the gas in the life of radio galaxies, has successfully defended her thesis at the University of Groningen last Friday (23 March).

The title of the thesis is "The duty cycle of radio galaxies as seen by LOFAR" and includes a new and more complete way to study the life and death of radio galaxies using the unique possibilities offered by LOFAR. Marisa was supervised by Raffaella Morganti and, for a period, by Leith Godfrey (PostDoc at ASTRON, also supported by Radiolife). The results obtained by Marisa have already been published in a number of papers and more are still to come: a great advertisement for the capabilities of LOFAR for the study of radio galaxies.

The pdf of her thesis can be found at the website of Groningen University, but if you would like a proper paper copy, please ask!

Marisa will now move back to Bologna, to continue working on LOFAR data.

Congratulations Marisa, good luck with your new position and we hope to see you back soon to continue your work on LOFAR data!
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