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Running LOFAR imaging pipelines in a docker container

Submitter: Sarrvesh Sridhar
Description: A significant fraction of users in the LOFAR imaging community uses pipelines like prefactor and factor to calibrate their LOFAR HBA data. However, since the prefactor and the factor pipelines depend on various other tools like WSClean and AOFlagger, installing all the software packages needed to run the imaging pipelines along with the associated software dependencies can sometimes be painstaking.

Recently, we have been experimenting with the docker platform to deploy LOFAR software. The docker image is made available to the user through the online service Docker Hub. Using the docker image, initialising the software environment to run the imaging pipelines can be as simple as running a single command like "docker run -it lofaruser/imaging-pipeline:v1.0".

The docker image contains the following software packages:
* Casacore 2.4.1 (with casarest and python-casacore)
* AOFlagger 2.10
* pyBDSF
* LOFAR release 3_0_14
* WSClean 2.5 (with LOFAR beam)
* LoSoTo 1.0.1
* Dysco
* factor v1.3
* prefactor v2.0.3

The installation and usage guide explaining how to run LOFAR imaging pipelines are published as part of the LOFAR imaging cookbook version 23. The latest version of the LOFAR imaging cookbook is available at https://support.astron.nl/LOFARImagingCookbook/ and the chapter containing information about the docker image at https://support.astron.nl/LOFARImagingCookbook/buildlofar.html
Copyright: Sarrvesh Sridhar
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