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The organiser of the Applied Radio Frequency technology course

Submitter: Ronald Halfwerk
Description: Since 2002, ASTRON has been organising three-day courses on applied Radio Frequency technology, also known as the RF course.

Over the years, more than 350 engineers and scientists from industries and institutes attended the course. The course includes hands-on training using the most advanced radio engineering tools, like network and spectrum analysers.

This week, we organised the 35th edition of the course and we will continue to do so. We should engage young and talented engineers in the wonderful world of creators of new systems. Systems which could only be built by using RF technology.

After making her 30th(!) course happen, our Renate van Dalen unfortunately stops organising the courses. Therefore, we would like to express our many thanks for being the organiser of this great educational event. Renate, on behalf of the entire 'course team': Thank you very much!
Copyright: photo: Simone Kajuiter
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