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Arts Tabs First Light

Submitter: Jonathan Hargreaves
Description: On 9th May, the DESP group handed over a version of the ARTS firmware with Tied Array Beams (TABS) enabled to our astronomer colleagues for initial testing. We expected to get some feedback about packets-per-second, header-field errors and so on.

It was a nice surprise when, within 30 minutes, Leon Oostrum had imaged a pulsar!

Several new things had to work for that to happen: The TABs beamformer, adapted from the Apertif one by Daniel; A script written by Pieter to set and read back the weights; the packetizing firmware, extensively re-written during April to save FPGA resources; and of course the astronomy pipeline software running on the ARTS cluster.

After a small cake celebration, we are continuing to test, debug and add features - always easier to do on a working system.
Copyright: J Hargreaves
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