Daily Image

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Summer Saturn

Submitter: Rik ter Horst
Description: Even at just 13 degrees above the southern horizon, Saturn remains mysteriously beautiful. The image below was taken under fine conditions with my 40 cm F / 12.8 telescope from my backyard in Zuidwolde, Groningen. Objects that are low in the sky suffer from atmospheric dispersion (caused by refraction of light through the Earth's atmosphere) and the use of an ADC (atmospheric dispersion corrector) is an absolute necessity for high resolution images of low standing planets. The 40 cm telescope is permanently equipped with an adjustable ADC to eliminate dispersion at all heights, even up to a height of 6 degrees above the horizon.

This image is the result of 'Lucky Imaging' and is a Multi-stack of 5%, 15% and 30% of the best frames out of a 20000 frame AVI. While processing, I tried to avoid artefacts in order to keep the result as realistic as possible. The used camera was an ASI178MC (color).
Copyright: Rik ter Horst
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