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Dr. Daniele Michilli

Submitter: Jason Hessels
Description: On September 14th, 2018, Daniele Michilli (ASTRON/UvA) successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Aula of the University of Amsterdam. Daniele's thesis is entitled "Discovery and characterisation of fast radio transients", and features work done with both LOFAR and the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico. Daniele developed a pipeline to discover several intermittently emitting radio pulsars as part of the LOFAR LOTAAS survey (one of which is pictured on his thesis cover); he performed a detailed study of pulsar B2217+47, whose pulse profile is being distorted by propagation effects in the intervening interstellar medium; and he discovered that the repeating fast radio burst source FRB 121102 is in an extreme and dynamic magneto-ionic environment.

In addition to Promotors Jason Hessels and Michiel van der Klis, Daniele also received supervision and mentorship from ASTRON/UvA astronomers Cees Bassa, Vlad Kondratiev and Anne Archibald. He is now pursuing post-doctoral research at McGill University in Canada, working in the CHIME team of Vicky Kaspi.

Dr. Michilli's PhD research was financed by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Starting Grant agreement nr. 337062 ("DRAGNET"; PI: Hessels).
Copyright: ASTRON
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