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RCU2.0 Design by INAF and ASTRON

Submitter: Gijs Schoonderbeek
Description: The design teams of INAF and ASTRON have teamed-up to design the new receiver unit for LOFAR. In this way the knowledge of LOFAR and APERTIF both designed by ASTRON and the SKA LFAA knowledge by INAF are fused together to design a new receiver unit for LOFAR 2.0. Although communication can be done by using the best telecommunication tools, at times the teams have to meet in person for in-depth discussions. A few weeks ago, design engineers from ASTRON have visited the design team at INAF in Medicina/Bologna. During this 3 day meeting we have discussed the measurement results of the current LOFAR receiver unit done by INAF, and the requirements of the new receiver.

On the image the team is standing on the terrain next to the Northern Cross where the Italian LOFAR 2.0 station will be build.
Copyright: INAF / ASTRON
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