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LOFAR Unified Calculator for Imaging (LUCI)

Submitter: Sarrvesh S Sridhar
Description: LOFAR Unified Calculator for Imaging (LUCI) is a new web application that allows LOFAR users to compute all parameters necessary to submit a LOFAR proposal and to plan a LOFAR observation. This includes estimating the theoretical sensitivity of observations, the raw and processed data sizes, and the CEP4 pipeline processing times.

In addition to calculating these values, LUCI also allows user to choose the appropriate flux density calibrator based on their elevation, avoid sunrise/set times, and identify A-team sources that should be demixed.

LUCI is hosted at https://support.astron.nl/luci/ . Documentation about the various features of LUCI and instructions on how to use the calculator is available in the LOFAR Imaging Cookbook.

LUCI was created and is supported by the LOFAR Science Operations & Support group. It was written in Python using Dash and Plotly graphing libraries. The source code is publicly available on GitHub. For comments and/or feature requests, please contact the LOFAR Science Operations & Support group using the RO Helpdesk.
Copyright: ASTRON
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