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Smart Frontend: 3D-MID by 3D-printing

Submitter: Johan Pragt
Description: Our roadmap for future phased array antenna’s predicts 3D-MID might be a key production technology.
Jeffrey Zhang, intern at the R&D Mechanics group, characterized XANTAR 3764 plastic material what is suitable for 3D-MID prototyping by 3D printing.
Physical properties like the electromagnetic relative permittivity (εr), the dielectric loss (tan δ), mechanical strength (sigma) and Elasticity (E-mod) were measured for different 3D-print parameters.
Last month Jeffrey designed and printed an RFoF module housing based on the XANTAR 3764 material. It is a prototype/demonstrator and will show the potentials in respect to the aluminium milled housing.
Next steps are laser structuring and copper deposition at the engraved laser tracks and testing it in competition with the aluminium milled housings.

Jeffrey studies Mechanical Engineering @ Hanze. He was supported by a broad team of ASTRON colleagues and supervised by Paula Fusiara and Johan Pragt. The 5 month internship was successful closed early February.

3D-MID = 3D Mechatronic Interconnected Devices = maximum integration of electronics and mechanics = 3D pcb assembly = minimal connections = plastic moulding = mass-production = minimal metal and energy

XANTAR 3764 is a new 3D print material, suitable for 3D-MID direct laser structuring. From origin it is applied in 3D-MID mass production by moulding. Supplied by MEP Europe BV in Geleen.

This development is supported by the RoSF project.
Copyright: ASTRON
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