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RadioHDL on OpenCores with a DOI

Submitter: Eric Kooistra
Description: Recently we have published our RadioHDL package on OpenCores (see also daily image 3 July 2018).

The RadioHDL package consists of a rich set of scripts that automate and ease the code development for FPGAs. We have used and are using RadioHDL for UniBoard1 in APERTIF and ARTS and UniBoard2 in ARTS and LOFAR2.0. The name RadioHDL reflects that it was first used for HDL (Hardware Description Language) code development in FPGA projects for Radio astronomy, but these scripts can be of use for other FPGA projects as well. Currently CSIRO also uses RadioHDL for the Gemini board in SKA CSP Low.

To publish the RadioHDL package we followed the ASTRON Open Source Policy (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3479834). This policy includes using the Apache 2.0 license and a Digital Object Indentifier (DOI). The DOI that we obtained via (Zenodo) is:

RadioHDL DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3631361

This package is one of the first pieces of software that ASTRON has published with a DOI. We are proud that RadioHDL is now ready for download and to be referred to.
Copyright: ASTRON
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