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SRCNet Shanghai workshop

Submitter: Janneke de Boer
Description: The SKA regional centres network project is approaching its first prototype release at the end of this year, marking a significant milestone in its development. We reached out to all SRCNet members to ask them if they had interest in hosting an SRCNet v0.1 node, and the response exceeded our expectations, which is incredibly encouraging! Currently, the entire SRCNet community is working hard to ensure the successful deployment of v0.1 across nine nodes globally. Achieving this requires extensive discussion and coordination, a task that was initiated during a workshop hosted by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory together with the SRCNet Programme team. Janneke de Boer, the project coordinator within the programme team, along with John Swinbank, representing the NL SRC, attended the workshop in Shanghai. Over the course of two days, fruitful discussions and presentations ensued, resulting in nine countries committing to establishing a node and advancing together towards our shared goal. Overall, the workshop proved to be highly successful, setting a strong foundation for future progress.

Copyright: Janneke de Boer
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