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Monitoring workshop @ WSRT

Submitter: Rene Lourens
Description: On Thursday March 28 TO, SDCO and SD joined forces by attending a workshop on monitoring LOFAR using Grafana, Mimir and Loki, hosted by Team Ruby. Grafana is utilized for monitoring and alarming. Operators, maintainers and ICT want to be able to make informed decisions about infrastructure and the operation of our telescope (hardware). In addition, operators need to be able to perform actions from the dashboard. Our biggest telescope, LOFAR, consists of nearly 60 stations and the composition of visualizations needs to be able to show different scales at multiple levels. Changing between the entire instrument, station and parts of a station with ease. During the workshop, attendees learned how to use Grafana to build their own dashboards. This way they are less dependent on Team Ruby and are able to create and change the dashboards themselves.
Copyright: Rene Lourens
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