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public:user_software:ubuntu_12_4 [2015-07-02 09:32] – Document moved from engineering:user_software:ubuntu_12_4 Arno Schoenmakers
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 +====== Installing LOFAR Software on a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 ======
 +This are my private, unedited notes on installing the LOFAR Software on a fresh Ubuntu 12.04.\\
 +So they don't contain step by step instructions that will work for you, but they still may 
 +contain useful information for you.\\
 +(9.10.2013 Andreas Horneffer)
 +(NB you can also get casacore/pyrap packages from to save building them yourself -- JDS 2013-10-10.)
 +########## Pakete:
 +libgtkmm-2.4-dev python-matplotlib python-pyfits libatlas-base-dev 
 +mpi-default-bin mpi-default-dev libfreetype6-dev python-setuptools
 +libxml2-dev libpng12-dev libcfitsio3 libcfitsio3-dev libboost-all-dev
 +autoconf autoconf-archive autogen automake binutils-dev cmake cmake-curses-gui
 +cvs doxygen flex gfortran git guile-1.8-dev ipython libblas-dev libblitz0-dev
 +libboost-all-dev libboost-dev libfftw3-dev libfftw3-doc libgfortran3
 +libglib2.0-dev libgsl0-dev liblapack-dev liblog4cxx10 liblog4cxx10-dev 
 +libopenmpi-dev libpqxx3-dev libx11-dev mgdiff mpi-default-dev patch pgplot5 
 +python-dev python-numeric python-numpy python-scipy scons subversion-tools 
 +swig bison libbison-dev
 +tcl tcl-dev tk tk-dev tk8.5-dev tcl8.5-dev
 +libhdf5-dev (oder: libhdf5-serial-1.8.4 libhdf5-serial-dev)
 +### "libhdf5-serial" is needed for DAL, it doesn't work with "libhdf5-openmpi"
 +wcslib-dev liblog4cplus-dev liblog4cplus-1.0-4 cython
 +###for parmdbplot:
 +python-sip python-qt4
 +########## LOFAR software:
 +Download packages:
 +  mkdir Downloads
 +  cd Downloads
 +  wget
 +Download and Build Casacore:
 +  tar -xjvf ../Downloads/asap_data.tar.bz2
 +(This creates the "data" subdirectory)
 +  mkdir BuildDir/casacore
 +  cd BuildDir/casacore
 +  svn co source
 +  mkdir -p build/opt
 +  cd build/opt
 +  cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=NO -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/lofar-stuff -DUSE_FFTW3=Yes -DUSE_THREADS=YES  -DUSE_HDF5=YES -DUSE_OPENMP=YES -DDATA_DIR=/opt/lofar-stuff/data  ../../source
 +make -j12
 +make install
 +Install Casacore data:
 +  cd BuildDir/..
 +  tar -xjvf Download/asap_data.tar.bz2
 +Download and Build pyrap
 +  mkdir /cluster/lofar/BuildDir/pyrap
 +  cd /cluster/lofar/BuildDir/pyrap
 +  svn co dev-source
 +  export LOFAR_STUFF_ROOT="/opt/lofar-stuff/"
 +  export PATH="${PATH}:${LOFAR_STUFF_ROOT}/bin/"
 +  export PYTHONPATH="${LOFAR_STUFF_ROOT}/lib/python/"
 +  ln -s /opt/soft/lofar-stuff/lib/ /opt/soft/lofar-stuff/lib64
 +  cd dev-source/
 +  ./ --casacore-root=/opt/lofar-stuff --prefix=/opt/lofar-stuff --python-prefix=/opt/lofar-stuff/lib/python
 +Download and Build casarest
 +  mkdir /cluster/lofar/BuildDir/casarest
 +  cd /cluster/lofar/BuildDir/casarest
 +  svn co source
 +  mkdir build
 +  cd build
 +  cmake -DCASACORE_ROOT_DIR=/opt/lofar-stuff -DBUILD_ALL=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/lofar-stuff ../source
 +  make -j12
 +  make install
 +Download and Build the LOFAR Software
 +  mkdir /cluster/lofar/BuildDir/lofarsoft
 +  cd /cluster/lofar/BuildDir/lofarsoft
 +  svn checkout --ignore-externals LOFAR
 +username: lofar-guest
 +password: lofar-guest
 +  mkdir -p build/gnu_opt
 +  cd build/gnu_opt
 +  cmake -DCASACORE_ROOT_DIR=/opt/lofar-stuff/ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DUSE_OPENMP=ON -DBUILD_PACKAGES="ParmDB Calibration DP3 Pipeline MSLofar LofarFT" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/lofar-stuff ../../LOFAR/
 +  make -j12
 +  make install
 +When this all worked you can set up your environmen with the following lines:
 +For bash/zsh:
 +if test -n "$PYTHONPATH" ; then
 +  export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/opt/lofar-stuff/lib/python:/opt/lofar-stuff//lib/python2.7/site-packages/
 +  export PYTHONPATH=/opt/lofar-stuff/lib/python:/opt/lofar-stuff//lib/python2.7/site-packages/
 +source /opt/lofar-stuff/
 +For (t)csh:
 +if ($?PYTHONPATH) then
 +  setenv PYTHONPATH ${PYTHONPATH}:/opt/lofar-stuff/lib/python:/opt/lofar-stuff/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
 +  setenv PYTHONPATH /opt/lofar-stuff/lib/python:/opt/lofar-stuff/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
 +source /opt/lofar-stuff/lofarinit.csh
  • Last modified: 2017-03-08 15:27
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