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SRZM Werkgroep meets Dagelijks Bestuur in Dwingeloo

Submitter: Jan Noordam
Description: Around 1980, When ASTRON was still named the "Stichting Radiostraling van Zon en Melkweg" (SRZM), the great radio telescopes in Dwingeloo and Westerbork were designed, built and operated from a cluster of spartan barracks in Dwingeloo, under a local management team named the "Werkgroep". This WG enjoyed a lot of highly productive freedom, benignly overseen by a "Bestuur" recruted from the SRZM stakeholders in the various astronomy departments. The picture was taken at one of the regular joint meetings of the WG with the "Dagelijks Bestuur" (DB), a delegation of the full Board.

Sitting, from left to right, the "Dagelijks Bestuur" (DB):

  • Henk van de Hulst (Leiden)
  • Cees Kramer (Philips)
  • Harry van der Laan (Leiden, Chair)
  • Huug van Woerden (Groningen)
  • Jaap van Nieuwkoop (Utrecht)

    Standing, from left to right, the local "Werkgroep" (WG):

  • Hans Kahlmann (Observing Facilities)
  • Wim Brouw (Computing)
  • Richard Strom (Astronomy)
  • John O'Sullivan (Instrumentation)
  • Jean Casse (Chair)
  • Freek van de Brugge (Technical Support)
  • Ton Scholler (Administration)
  • Hette Weijma (ZWO, DB secretary)

    The Chair of the WG rotated among its members on a triannual basis. This system has advantages and disadvantages, but worked moderately well due to the quality of the people.

  • Copyright: SRZM
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