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WSRT and WHT working together

Submitter: Raffaella Morganti
Description: Images representing the motion of gas and stars in the galaxy NGC4278. The
red regions are moving away from us, the blue are approaching us. The figure
represent a nice example of complementary data based on dutch instruments. On
the left the neutral hydrogen as measured by the WSRT, on the right the ionized
gas (bottom) and stars (top) as measured by the integral field spectrograph
SAURON on the William Herschel Telescope on La Palma. Note the different
scales that the two instruments can image: the SAURON data cover the very inner part of the HI image (black box). The results of this study are presented in a paper accepted for publication in MNRAS (Morganti, de Zeeuw, Oosterloo et al. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/astro-ph/0606261).
Copyright: Astron
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