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'First Light' of GLAS on La Palma

Submitter: Ton Schoenmaker
Description: In the night of 27/28 May 'first light' for GLAS (Ground-Layer Adaptive optics System) was achieved by the on-sky launch of the laser. The photo shows the green beam of a 20 W laser of wavelength 515 nm leaving the dome of the 4.2-meter William Herschel Telescope. This is only the beginning of the on-sky testing which will go on for a long time, but it is an important milestone for the project. The laser beam is expanded by the Beam Launch Telescope (clear aperture 350 mm) mounted on the sky side of the secondary mirror of the WHT. The optics of the Beam Launch Telescope was designed and (partly) manufactured by ASTRON.
Copyright: Don Carlos Abrams, Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, La Palma
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