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LOFAR highband antennas in action

Submitter: Sarod Yatawatta
Description: This is one of the first deep, widefield images made by the LOFAR CS1 High Band Antennas (HBA). The HBAs are used to operate in the high end of the LOFAR spectrum, i.e. 110 MHz to 240 MHz. This observation used 15 HBA dipoles with an observation time of 16 hours. This image consists of about 25 subbands of data, distributed around 120 MHz, each with a bandwidth of about 150 kHz.

The left panel shows the full sky, centred at CasA, which was the phase centre for this observation. The right panel shows a zoomed in section. Both CasA and CygA have been partially removed from this image to reveal a few dozen fainter sources. The resolution is much higher compared to our low band images. In fact, CasA is almost resolved and using a point source for its model is not sufficient, as seen from the artefacts remaining at its location.
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