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35 years of Jaap Bregman

Submitter: Jan Noordam
Description: Last week, we celebrated the fact that Jaap Bregman has toiled for ASTRON for 35 years. He started in 1972 as "system physicist" of the new Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). In that capacity he played a large role in getting the most out of this lovely instrument.

After we joined the the Brits in the optical observatory on La Palma in 1982, Jaap became a cajoling force in the development of CCD detectors. He also ventured boldly into the difficult field of optical interferometry through the turbulent atmosphere.

Around 1992, his old dream of a large low-frequency radio telescope unexpectedly hit the Big Time, because a scientifically viable precursor instrument was needed to develop technology and experience for the Square Km Array (SKA). Jaap is the designer of LOFAR, for which he received the prestigious Veder Prize a few years ago.

In addition to these large contributions, he has been a cornerstone of the "soul" of ASTRON in many ways: As patient teacher, as ruthless critic, as uncertain ally, as loyal friend, as mediator(!), as dark oracle, and as general cultural philosopher (his friends and admirers have learnt to deal with this last mode in various ways). Jaap is a member of the elite but shadowy MBH society. The picture shows him still with the Vandyck beard he has sported for most of the 35 years, but already with the rejuvenating hair-gel that his new life demanded.

It is unlikely that ASTRON will have another Jaap soon. Partly because not too many of them are generated, and partly because ASTRON will have to move with the times. Therefore, let us enjoy him while we have him.
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