Description: | This is the deepest image made with LOFAR highband antennas (HBA) so far. Compared with the image shown on 14-02-2008, we have added more data (36 subbands), and we have also corrected for the element beam pattern. This observation used 4 HBA tiles and 12 individual dipoles. The observing time was 24 hours. The 36 subbands each had a bandwidth of about 150 kHz, covering the frequency range 125 MHz to 175 MHz.
The image is centered on Cas A, which has been removed to 1% (leaving about 100Jy). The brightest source now (~140 Jy) is Tycho, top left of Cas A. The red squares indicate known sources from the 4C catalog, which contains all sources > 2 Jy @178MHz. The noise-level in this image is about 0.5 Jy. The half power tile beam is indicated by the magenta line. |