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Arie Doorduin retires

Submitter: Sjouke, Bauke, Gijs and Andre G.
Description: Today Arie Doorduin will retire. A farewell reception is organized in the ASTRON canteen today, from 15:00 hours. Arie has worked for SZRM/NFRA/ASTRON for a magnificent total of 43 years. As an old-fashioned HTS'er (of the kind that is not produced anymore), he has made important contributions to many projects. Among them are DLB, DZB, THEA, TADU, MFFE and LOFAR. Connaisseurs will recognize this alphabet soup as the instruments that made ASTRON. They did so because they were/are cutting-edge, and work/worked very well thanks to people like Arie.

The picture shows some stalwarts of the "good old days" at SRZM (~1970?). From left to right: Jan Buiter, Klaas Jansen, Hans Grit, Arie Doorduin and Nico Schonewille. They really have changed very little in those 4 short decades. All are still in good health, but Arie is the last to leave.

Copyright: ASTRON
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