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Watching LOFAR Grow Up

Submitter: George Heald on behalf of the LOFAR collaboration
Description: This year we have been happy to celebrate many births in the families of our ASTRON and JIVE coworkers. There has also been an important birth in our extended family this year, and that is the interferometer known as LOFAR. Our bouncing baby is having its growing pains just like any other, but it sure is growing fast! You can keep track of its development by keeping an eye on this map. A zoomed-in screenshot of the region immediately surrounding the LOFAR core is shown here. The map shows the (approximate) positions of the LOFAR stations which are fully completed and validated (indicated with green marks), and those which are nearly completed (in other words, the hardware is on the field and relatively little work remains to incorporate the station into the array; these are indicated with yellow marks). In all, there are 14 validated stations as of 9 December 2009. Note that all six SuperTerp stations (indicated above with a red circle for clarity) are now green! You can click the symbols themselves to see the station names. Future stations are not indicated, but we look forward to plotting those points in the coming weeks and months....

The information in the map is presented more-or-less weekly at the LOFAR Status Meeting by Andre Gunst, and will be updated in the map at about the same rate.

Someday when LOFAR is all grown up, you'll be amazed to think back and remember how small and cute it once was.
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