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Journey across a Floating World

Submitter: Madroon, E. J.
Description: In the last few days, many of our fellow citizens have been gnashing their teeth on railway platforms, in traffic jams and at airport lounges, glaring balefully at the pretty snow and moaning into their portable communication devices. Fortunately, the Dutch are a philosophical race, vaguely aware that the journey is more important than the destination.

This is one of the reasons why we regard LOFAR as a spiritual experience. After a propitious start, we look forward to a long, arduous but nurturing journey, replete with serendipity and transient phaenomena, which might (or might not) end in the discerning of the putative Epoch of Reionization.

The picture, taken at nearby Nannewijd last Sunday, is a metaphore for human endeavour: Scratching a path across a floating world that exists for a brief moment only, before it dissolves again into a featureless ocean. Along the way, it is comportment that counts, and wonder, and tenacity. Surely a fitting thought for the present season of social suffering, discomfort, hangovers and indigestion.
Copyright: Ger de Bruyn
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